Jesus! Stocks don’t always go up! There is a battle going on here and people act like this is supposed to be 100% predictable by BAM. There are people trying to make this drop and countering our moves so why are you all shocked that this isn’t going our way every day?
They can see the same areas of strength that the BAM sees so we’re blown away when we get hit at just the right time? Come on people, you’re smarter than this.
I see this as a preemptive strike before Monday earnings report. They KNOW the numbers will be good for AMC and have to attack us now. I also think that margin requirement are getting tight with the direction the market is trying to turn so the only choice they have is to try and dip this. We also have 20k in puts at the $30 strike this week. All this adds up to crappy price action.
People (mostly shills I suspect) need to put on their big boy pants. This has been a full on war since the $5 price and suddenly people are shocked when we get attacked? Either suck it up or get out cus this is nothing like it will be when the price is higher.
Side note. I think the majority of the complaints are from shills trying to divide us but I wanted to counter that noise.