Look at the open interest on call options $40 and under expiring tomorrow. No way in hell will the MMs and hedgies allow this stock to close tomorrow over $40. They’ll beat it down to $35 if they can. Just my opinion based upon past options expiration experience. Looking forward to next week and the beginning of a powerful move up per BAM model.

ya it seems like every week, Wed/Thursday becomes a trap. Then Friday, they mess around with it. I just can’t believe why the SEC isn’t looking into this further. it’s been a repetitive pattern.

I agree, this manipulation is getting old

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its the same pattern every week. clean out the open interest price.

its already pinning near 38.50 right now between 38-39 most weekly option kills…every week its the same…

Have you guys seen this by ZipTrader?

(edit: link removed as per request – Charlie @ZipTrader is a fellow APE and knows a lot about the stock market… I have been following him for years. I’ll just leave it at that… for those that want to check out his informative videos, search YouTube for ZipTrader.)

About Pay For Order Flow… basically… the shares we are buying are likely not “real” shares… meaning that the squeeze won’t happen.

Looking for comments from folks…

@jgsavoldi Got any thoughts on this and its impact on AMC?

I can only comment on what I see in my data. My data does not let stories spook it. I’m seeing buying and selling. If the HF can spook you all out then this type of stuff can become self-fulfilling. August is bullish per model.


Thanks… I figured you might say something like that… And it makes sense. I was just wondering what you think of PFOF and how it might affect stocks and potential short squeezes. I know the BAM model doesn’t take this type of manipulation into what it predicts… But this type of manipulation, dark pools, etc seem like they can counter what the BAM model predicts…

Just sucks not having a level playing field which is why I subscribe to BAM.

Appreciate what you do and the model is very useful.

If you’re ever up north in Humboldt County I’ll buy you a beer.



I only have shares unfortunately not comfortable enough for options yet that’s coming later let’s bring on August

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Can we get this youtube post deleted? We do not need this FUD, and I do not want this board to start looking like reddit with a bunch of youtube videos posted. I am pay for BAM to help make it easier to ignore this noise.


@GoinApeshit , I will delete it because I do not want anyone to think I am posting FUD. Charlie @ZipTrader is an AMC shareholder and APE… he doesn’t post FUD about AMC. He’s on our side and just wants us to be aware of the games that are occurring behind the scenes… most APEs are aware of the games that Hedgies are playing.

I’ll delete the link… and just reference ZipTrader’s youtube channel.




Let’s see what unfolds into August guys. Per the generous offer… As the famous philosopher Homer Simpson once said, “umm, beer good”


Also, per the Friday algo pinning dynamic, wait until we have a global macro “event” on a future Friday. When that happens they get stuck badly out of position as they’re trying to pin.

That’s when the occasional crazy gains can be posted on a Friday play. They will come eventually. Hang in there.


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