AMC Earning and AA Commentary

Thanks for the update and your thoughts. I believe what would make an impact is expected earnings vs actual. My feeling is that people are trying the gauge AMC’s progress rather than the foundational analysis for the current stock status. Also, as you mentioned, the future plans will weigh heavily on the current and future stock price.

No FUD spreading here. Thanks for your insight Jim.
Somethings got to give. We need a catalyst and some good old fashioned volatility (emotion) back in the stock to get things moving. Thursday’s bounce and today’s price action is a good start. It would also be nice to get green into the close for my options that expire today. :sweat_smile:

You said in your video yesterday that the hedge funds literally have about 6 hrs left of their fuckery. Are they now out of time?


I think AA has tweeted out twice today about how AMC is starting to reinvent the company by having concert movies in theaters now, opening up new avenues/entertainment sources. Good call on that.

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Thank you for the update

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and analysis of possibilities, will be watching and listening and waiting for the “Squeeze” which is inevitable eventually.

The reason for every ape upvoting the dividend/top question, is to get an estimate of how many possible synthetic shares are out there. It keeps a running tab of how many shares are amongst everyone who has upvoted the question. The question itself has no relevance to the reason it’s being upvoted

Thanks Jim!!! Have a great weekend!

That’s fine, but my understanding is that the questions that get the most votes will also be the ones most likely to get addressed during the call and also give the executives a pulse on what the investors would like to see as an incentive for being a shareholder.

If the apes are intending something different and the executives were to take this as investors want to see a dividend, announce it could happen, it could maybe incentivize shareholders to hold after the squeeze as well as those shorting the stock to cover their position, wouldn’t it? That’s why I’m asking.

Of course the question has relevance. If you own shares and AMC offers a dividend, then we dont even need to sell to make money.

amc has to much debt to offer a dividend. they cant be giving out on both ends. thats how you go BK

You must have been speed-reading. Look at my quote below. I’m telling you to IGNORE earnings as a factor in moving the price anywhere near where apes think it is headed. Streaming , covid etc. forget about it.

“But, as we all know, earnings fundamentals do not play a key role in the core “REASON” that most apes have purchased and support the stock.”


You’re missing the side of that that says “Whatever the dividend is, the people that shorted the stock will have to pay that amount to the share holder that bought the share from them.”

As always Jim, your 2 cents, and everyone else’ s, are always welcomed, and the reason we are “family”.
I agree that fundamentally, AMC stock price is higher than it should be, but I also think AA probably has more tricks up his sleeve to justify the share price that we are not privy to. Until such time as someone shows AMC should be lower priced, I will continue to know that hedgefuckery and our Ape family resolve will continue to butt heads. I have faith that ape heads are much more wrinkled and hardened to the hooliganisms of the slowly sinking ship called the SS HedgeFund.

Guilty as charged sir!

Are we still going to see ATH as you predicted Jim?

Maybe I don’t fully understand how dividends work, but if my basic understanding is correct, those short the stock have to cough up at least part of the dividend to their lender which would incentivize them to cover so that the don’t need to pay the dividend. Also I’m not saying it has to be an annual dividend, just a strategic one-time dividend that serves as a better thank you to the investors than free popcorn and coffee. If we are looking for possible catalysts I would think this would be one. I’d like to see a big melt-up, but maybe AA doesn’t. He likes Apes because they hold the stock not because they dump the stock in a spike in price. I’m looking to to swing my current position into a large profit so a dividend doesn’t matter to me unless it serves as an ignition catalyst to get us to the higher end of the speed line attack @jgsavoldi sees BAM calling for.

Quick edit to show an article I’m referring to that describes this. If an investor is short a dividend-paying stock on record date are they entitled to the dividend?.

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Interesting point. That’s a good tidbit to take account of. The extra income from An annual stubs membership only adds something to their Bottom line.

As a stubs member I’m excited to go to amc to watch movies on Tuesdays.

I’m gonna try and research this further

Maybe they would have voted for more shares if AA didn’t change the prospectus to be able to make a dark pool deal with hedge funds at an undisclosed price. And then made a deal with Mudrick Capital right after the change who dumped the shares immediately. He has to answer for that. When he changes the prospectus back to the original conditions that state any share offerings will be to the open market, then maybe he’ll get his shares.

Kinda off topic , but relevant…

There is no way the Russell melt down with AMC looking bullish as AMC is a huge part of Russell’s

I dont get that

If Russell is going down, AMC is going down with it

I would be happy if you clarify that

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