READ CAREFULLY before any knee-jerk reaction. DO NOT spread FUD that Jim / BAM is bearish AMC based on earnings or any other company-specific, revenue based, fundamentals.
My two-cents…
After observing catalysts events for decades, it seems to me that a company like AMC would be hard-pressed to generate earning growth sufficient to justify the current stock price valuation. But, as we all know, earnings fundamentals do not play a key role in the core “REASON” that most apes have purchased and support the stock.
That said, it seems to me that it would be unlikely for AMC / AA to generate any earnings report that could possibly justify current price. If the stock is preparing to lift-off (tracking the BAM Model’s bullish forecast) it seems like it would be much more likely that the “catalysts” would need to come from AA talking about the future reinvention of the brand (repurposing square footage to create new revenue streams like UFC etc.) as well as, and maybe ESPECIALLY, any hint that he and his team have uncovered data that could possibly prove, or at least move toward proving, that share count and shorts are out of whack compared to publicly reported numbers. That, in my mind, would be the best probable hope for an ignition event generated through the post earning conference call.
As I said, my two-cents. No special insight… and brain roughly the size of a walnut.
Good luck guys
PS: Per the BAM Model, my retest levels are expected to take the form of fast-market, price attack events. Once vibration starts, it’s much more common to see soft contact. The exception would be the “D” contact as it is fairly common to see that probe take the form of jabbing as opposed to light tapping. The reason this occurs is that the “D” is associated with the double bottom, or as Trey would say, the “George W.”