AMC or GME? What are people here holding while they wait for MOASS

I cannot stand Superstonk, but they leave me wanting to cash out some of my AMC and buy GME.

What are other people holding? Anything else people like along with thee two?

Why would you sell one for the other? Makes zero sense. If you can buy more then buy any of your liking but I wouldn’t sell AMC for GME. Not because one is better than the other but because they are the same. If they weren’t we wouldn’t be seeing the shills (cough) that are putting in so much work on AMC.

I have 10% of my AMC shares worth of GME.
1 GME for every 10 AMC

I say if you can hold both, do both. I hold AMC, but I’ve been really banking on BB to get some gains so I can get more of both.

I was a Jan GME Ape, in early at about 40-60 per share initially, then averaged up at about 80 before the move to 400+. I sold on the way down at about $250/share, thinking the squeeze was over. Now I know better.

I got into AMC in May and I think GME and AMC will trigger one another, so both are good to have.

@Medic21059 The reason selling one for the other makes sense is because it is a hedge. I am heavy AMC, but not entirely convinced it is as strong as GME. Because I feel this way, a hedge makes sense. I do not see AMC and GME as the same.

@putsimsden I like that strategy. Think I am a little late on getting that level of diversity, I would probably have to settle for 1 GME for every 100 AMC.

@leelindseyerin My story is similar to yours. I was in and out of GME, made money in January and February on it, but now wish I just held instead of just adding to my AMC.

I am also in on BB as a play to try and get some more $$ for GME.

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Does not matter in the long term whether you hold AMC or GME, they both help each other run. However, its not good practice to just hold one type of sector in your portfolios. I bet a lot of players are only holding meme stocks? Think about hedges. I have been holding AMC for a long time now and i have big profits in there. You know what i do when i think we are in a correctional phase?? I will short it on another platform. No matter what i minimize any risk of losing profits. Some one needs to create a category in here, simply for education of hedging, risk mitigation, etc etc. This is the stuff you really need to get your head into. You need to learn about every tool and how to use them. It’s all about the long game!!

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