AMC Possible pullback to July low @ $31.13 4-Aug

Is it possible AMC needs to retouch that July low at $31.13 today before upside? I’ve not heard this one mentioned as needed retest in the model.

Yes it is possible and conceivable

Refining my question because yes anything is possible. I mean more per the model sometimes @jgsavoldi talks about how retests need to happen at some point. I haven’t heard this one mentioned. But I’ve snapped that line since it happened in July is that what it is pulling down to today?

Hopefully the violent move downward is followed by violent v-shaped recovery. Bam still has high conviction for August so i’m not gonna let hedgies scare me out. Diamond handing my August 20 $44 calls


I sure hope it spring boards off of a low totally. I’ve been buying dips. Holding since Feb. More curious about this short term level and action. Seems @jgsavoldi thinks today looks like an algo is purposely gaming my bullseye timestamps w/ selling pressure.

July low revisited now.

to the moon! first floor!


No pain, no gain. Buckle up and lets turn on the afterburners :airplane:


strap in everyone, we’re about to pull some Gs.


Yea the ground comes up quick :sweat_smile:

just face the other way and you’ll think you’re heading to the moon


Questioning the model and the action today. Not the long term strategy. I have no anxiety around this dip. $29.55 is also a retest level. That is close. Hold onto your butts. :sweat_smile:

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i still have faith. It’s not fun or pretty, but it’ll rip. We’re in the death roll. Hedgies, that is.

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I mean cmon. Do you see that red down trend line in his video and how established it is. Why even bet against that thing? Why is his zones betting against it? Why did i follow until my account is 1/6 of the previous size. Why oh why…

Me screaming :scream: “Relentlesssssss Upsideeeeeeee” as we’re pulling 5 G’s.

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stupid 20-character min rule. I just want to laugh at something.

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I legit sold those losing Amc options and made 3 other option bets on misc stocks and already made 300 dollars. Far cry from following this and losing thousands daily.

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