AMC Trading Strategy

Is it safe to assume 34 was the intraday low?

How come there is no update yet?

Also, if anyone has got any idea about 15th & 16th ZOSā€¦ what is the target box area he is pointing at - these days i see less of mention about touch points on both endsā€¦ please advise as Iā€™m bag holding at a very high price point

Each strength is generated by current data to be predictive. Itā€™s dependent on each scenario. If it melts up this time, the next may or may not be as wild or more wild.its not coincidental that the zos happens to be about every 3 months. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m gonna say!!!

Video update just came out

Same here lol. Wish held on the puts

Heading to 32 in after hrs? I guess at this point that would be bullish for a reversal.

I bought a few puts mid morning and sold all of them at the close. Will watch in the morning for the $32 entry point to buy september $30 calls. Hopefully we will get one more update later tonight for additional info from Anemoi and the BAM.

Is After Hours included in the BAM model?

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So right now we are aiming to retest 32 probably into tomorrow morning. Then weā€™ll had up to 49 by the 22nd. Afterwards weā€™ll head low into the 26th. Then weā€™ll make our move into august strength.

This is called an inverse head and shoulders move.

I bought calls today ahead of schedule. Iā€™ll be selling these calls on the 22nd and buying puts into the 26th. Then sell them and establish my position for august

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Waiting on Jim to confirm the $32 retest in AH completes the bottoming count, or if we need to hit/vibrate at that level in normal trading hours.

If he doesnā€™t explain in a video first Iā€™ll let you know his response here.


Actually I wonā€™t buy puts, Iā€™ll sell my calls on the 22nd and rebuy on the 23rd before market closes. I didnā€™t realize the 26th was the following Monday

Any current coupons available for the Global Professional? Thanks!

-fellow AMC subscriber

I believe it counts but not entirety sure. Looks like heā€™ll let us know.

Answered in new video.

tbh for amc, gme et al, i donā€™t worry too much about delta. Iā€™d say this is a strong consideration when buying ā€œtypicalā€ stocks because we all know amc and the other meme stocks are anything but.

Iā€™ve had options down 70% or more and on a dime turn around and go 500%+. May/June run is a perfect example. The trick is just giving yourself enough runway. And with BAMi? We have SO much more power IMO.


I sent you a direct message on the forum

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I would always refer back to the videos and I would also say to myself if there is nothing to report then the last message continues to be the main message

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I would be interested as well ā€¦for Global
AMC sub.

Is it me or is anyone else hoping that we donā€™t fly above $32 before market opens. I love being an Ape, but I know $32 retest is important for us. :rofl:

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