Anemoi Questions - Beta Testers

I have been testing the beta and there is no way I would ever daytrade with out it. The readings it gives yiu are incredible and a game changer. So fsr my best scalp WA 683 percent. When I think I’m smarter than the terminal I’m always the one that is wrong. I have only been trading this year and consistent profits since I have been using anemoi. Well worth the wait.


In my personal opinion, Anemoi works with all stocks. Will it answer Wen Moon? No, but it is a tool to make educated trading decisions based off of a back tested system.


Well you know that if we just trust the indicators and follow the rules you make great plays!


I have been fortunate to be a member of the beta testing team. This tool has allowed me to become more strategic and successful in my plays. Moving from a novice into an Intermediate trader. I am trading S&P 100/Nasdaq 100 tickers thanks to the tools and indicators Anemoi provides.

When I stick to my strategy using the Anemoi tools and indicators, I have been very successful with returns 20-100% as I have a low risk threshold and would rather take the win when I have it. My best day was 7/8. When I go against the tools and indicators and try to force a trade, it is a bad outcome. In my opinion, Anemoi levels the playing field for me.

Best advice I can provide is what Jim told me; ease into it and find your niche. You can be successful doing so.


I have used Anemoi to hit 50%, 92%, 100% on NKE using same week calls. Anemoi covers the real time gaps that WilliamsA and other charting doesn’t…unless you’re an expert in charting, which I am not. The scanner for tickers that are long is impressive and on point.


Is there a way to have Anemoi auto trade triggers for us? Meaning, can I log on securely with my broker through Anemoi and have it trade for me? It would be nice to set a predefined budget to trade a predefined stock. Example of say $5k on $msft. An awesome option would be able to tell it to day trade it vs long term trade it.

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Great to hear all the responses from the beta group!

Is it usually enough to follow along when Anemoi flips between long/flat/short, or do you try to read where it’s heading before it gets there, and/or use other indicators as well?
Do you find it worth to daytrade with Anemoi without option plays?

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Updated today’s exits thanks to Anemoi.
+100% KO 11/12 $55 c
+55% KO 1/21 $55 c
+22% KO 2/18 $57.5 c
+85% MCD 11/19 $240 c
+6% HAS 10/29 $92 c

I followed the Anemoi indicators and may have gotten out early or late depending upon some, but all were positive gains.

Recommendation: you must do your research on the ticker, review charting, and don’t go against Anemoi.


After looking at some of the posted information I don’t know if I’m smart enough to use Anemoi…I’m being honest btw.

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I thought the same. With the training information being developed, it will definitely help.

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I hope so because I’ve played around with the “free” version and that chart Uncle Rico posted is making my brain hurt. And I “sort of” already know what way the wind is blowing at a very basic level with Anemoi

Don’t feel bad - I stared at it for a good 10 minutes looking at the information and his explanation for entry/exit. The lines are the price triggers and you are looking for the correct crossovers and alignment (like he said, 1 minute crossing above 5 minute) AND for the velocity to shift in your favor (stair-stepping up around the same time).

We have access to the existing Anemoi vids in the forum - give those a look while we’re waiting on the paint to dry for AMC and BB.


Trust me, it goes wayyyy more in depth than just what friend Rico posted.

We didn’t work on a guide for y’all for nothing! :slight_smile:

Hope to get it out to everyone soon. And we’ll add more to it as time goes on.


I need all the help I can get…Strong Back, Weak Mind.

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Its really not complicated. You can trade in a very simple manner or you can get a little more technical with it if you choose to dive deeper! The platform is super simple and you will have the tools to understand!


Anemoi is designed for shares plays, so yes you can play the long/short game if that is how you choose to do so. You can absolutely make good money just playing shares. If you are considering options, you should weigh the risk how you see fit and be sure to have a firm understanding of how day trading options works.


At this moment, auto-trading is not a feature. I do not know what the future holds.

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Thanks for the info…That would be an awesome feature.

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