Hello All,

I’m holding not trading AMC and I’m wondering what impact on a squeeze and long term pricing the issuance of the APE shares will be.

Thanks in advance for your input!

If it turns out that the Ape shares are really a way for Adam to dilute the shares then who knows

If you take AA at his word and think of this a stock-split holders of $AMC shares that lend out their shares (mostly funds and institutional investors) will want them back to get thier $APE. This may help create the pressures that could help to trigger a gamma. Longer-term if we again take him at his word he intends to use $APE to do deals (buy back debt, acquire more theatres, etc.). If you believe in the management team this will build value while diluting $APE’s value in the short-term.

APE are in my Schwab account. Let the games begin!


APE 5min 08/23/2022

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