BB - General Discussion

I’ll start to talk a little more about some of these other popular so called, “meme” stocks as we approach compelling (long side) set ups per the BAM Model and the Anemoi Terminal

Thank you for providing clarity; this only add value to your service


Very interested in stocks like BB that seem to track whatever AMC does.

Im liking this set up and community area to post

I got dirty cheap options calls for bb late Aug st 15… who knows


I have been looking at the September calls to give a little extra time considering the unknown dates of august. Only .50 per but hoping for .40

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Maestro, you have a group of individuals who just want to win! I love the fact that were able to openly ask questions without the problem of trolls plaguing the thread! #godbless


BB runs with the bulls (Apes) during meltups. But the best part is the premiums are cheap :fork_and_knife:


Dear Jim,

If you have a spare minute, please take a quick look at CLVS- something unusual is going on, pre-market is already plus 12%, Chart also looks in our favour.

Thank You,

Virgin galactic, and Sundial growers.

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I bought some $30 calls for January. We shall see.

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We’d appreciate a little bit of insight on this. Doesn’t need to be anything too in-depth or frequent just a general idea of what you think August may look like.

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Bam, on twitter yesterday you mentioned BB may be up on the website by end of day. Do you have an update for us?

Jim is still planning on adding the BB tab with forecasts/video to BAM Investor site. His developers have been working hard on Anemoi, so there might be a slight delay. I’m hoping it will be up tonight or tomorrow, but we don’t have a definitive time yet. Keep on the lookout :eyes:

BB page is up on the website.

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