Coordinated Attacks

don’t think our stocks are targeted? Look no further…

This is AMC, BB and GME

Devils advocate here, but could just be options traders buying large positions and exiting based on fib levels

all 3 at the same time though? I literally watched AMC and BB tank at the exact same time in unison. To rule out any coincidence, I pulled up GME - the same.

Could’ve been stop loss fishing, too.

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Look at the DOW, NSDAQ and the SPY. Looks like someone just got smoked

nice. I did check the dow earliler and it was hovering around -5. Checked again just before posting and it had jumped to -120s.

I screenshot the same comparison earlier today. We’ve been seeing this since January. Ridiculous


They always track together, if Amc moon? BB will moon with it

all the cool manipulated stocks do.

Damn pressed wrong thing. accidently deleted the post. I posted a load of stuff about the SoFi 50 and these tickers are in this ETF and how you can manipulate a whole ETF. Anyways cannot be arsed to write it all up again. Anyway, all these tickers are also on the NYSE. You would find other tickers in the NYSE with the same characteristics. They’re all interconnected in someway or another. Welcome to the financial universe :smiley:

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