Could vaccine mandates be the macro?

I feel as if the vaccine mandates will be the macro event that’ll be the reason or contribute to the market and economy crashing. Remember i posted this! I’ve been keeping this opinion to my self for a while now but with recent data and what i see happening especially with the labor force. Law enforcement as well as medical/hospital staff and teachers are quitting/being fired. Some/most being forced with deadlines of Oct 20th or Nov 24th. Employers cannot find workers and even going as far as increasing wages massively but still have no luck! If you thought 2020 and this year was a crappy year WAIT TILL 2022! Sit back and witness a piece of American history that we will tell for generations!

The vaccine mandate is not the macro event. It is the final phase of the macro event. From the release of the virus to the government fear-mongering to the intentional supply chain disruptions to the faux labor shortage to the vaccine mandate.


I could def agree with this. Only time will tell!

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Look at the transportation industry. Seattle ferries are collapsing because vaccine mandate. Only msm thinks there is nothing wrong.


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