I own and operate a fairly large accounting and tax practice. Have been in business for many years and I have some large commercial clients that include real estate, financial services and manufacturing as well as small businesses. Just FYI, without getting into detail, I am seeing these wealthy business owners doing many of the same things I saw them doing prior to the 2008 crash and more. Hoarding massive amounts of cash. Deleveraging. Reducing exposure to risk on assets, etc. I am saying this because the BAM model is calling for a major sell off of the stock market. Hopefully I am wrong but from my vantage point I think whats about to happen in the next 6 months will make 08-09 look like childs play. Its about to get unbelievably bad. Hope I am wrong.
I noticed the same thing. Seeing the signs that people are getting ready by saving alittle more cash and getting out of long positions.
Thanks for sharing. Where would real estate factor in this? with the rapid rise in real estate prices, would that be considered risky right now? i’ve been taught that it’s good to have real estate into inflationary periods so that’s why i’m curious how it all fits in. thanks!