Good luck

Well, today I cracked three eggs in a row that had two yolks each! Chances of this are 1:27,000… Anyone else think this is foreshadowing, especially on 8/1?!

:speaking_head:I like our chances…I like the stock :boom::green_heart:

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Yes! This is a sign for sure!

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:laughing: :laughing: Those eggs are a great way to start August!

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(extraneous text for 20-character min)

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@jgsavoldi how does this event impact the forecast?! Would love to hear your take on Twitter or in the next video :wink:

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let’s hope anemoi isn’t vegan


The eggs have aligned with the universe…looking forward to the start of August :smirk:


Chances are 100% that you fell victim to the magic copper infomercial. Don’t beat yourself up though, I think I owned a pocket-fisherman decades ago. (google it)


Ha! Capitalism is a beautiful thing. Well, @jgsavoldi , hopefully this brings us all luck. Timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Let’s eat in August!

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