Houston Wade DD Live stream

He is live now and answers questions and has great DD

I put some timestamps in the comment section of that video. He talks about the infinity pool concept (mind blown), a ladder or stairstep selling method for the squeeze and the price going to 100k.

After digesting those concepts I feel like I drank the koolaid of desperation for price movement. It’s as though seeing $60 would be so joyous (which I want) but where the price will go is so astronomical that we are begging for scraps. This is what Lou jokes a out with following the line daily when its all just the result of manipulation.

By the time this squeezes there is no limit on price heights and I lost sight of that after 10 weeks of lackluster movement.

Ultimately we cant afford to hault or break the economy especially over shorted stocks. The fact that this situation will have to be resolved financially to avoid that collapse and us holding the shares that need to be bought - we control the price. And all they are doing by delaying the squeeze is attempting to kill our enthusiasm and limit our perception to accept scraps where abundance is due - while just increasing the magnitude of how much will be owed.

Take a step back and remember the big picture and dont get too worked up over the daily lines.

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