Jim, I just want to say thanks


I feel like I have learned a ton in the last couple of months from watching you daily.

You have opened up much of your playbook offering us an entirely new way to look at the markets. The knowledge and perspective could be a tool that pays dividends for rest of my time as a trader. Most are not willing to share their secrets even if people are willing to pay for it. I understand that you can’t share everything but I feel like you have offered some very insightful details that I am sure most were completely unaware of.

Seems like there is just more and more negativity within this group lately.

People seem to be distraught because you did not predict the exact minute of the day that all of these stocks were supposed to explode…that seems to be quite unreasonable expectations when you are dealing with the stock market. You would think that most would know that, especially since we are dealing with a very unique situation here with these MEME stocks. We very well could be dealing with things that are happening for the first time ever…on this level anyway.

You would also think that people that are willing to risk money in the market would be responsible enough to accept the consequences when they push the buy button. NOBODY HAS TOLD OR MADE ANYONE BUY OR RISK ANYTHING!!!

I am a business owner and it seems that with a lot of customers there is just no winning anymore. Nothing is ever fast enough or good enough…If they can have their cake and eat it too they just are not happy. The situation can be completely out of your control and they still place the blame entirely on you. It is really quite sad that some consumers have got to this point.

I WANT WHAT I WANT…RIGHT NOW… TODAY or I will jump on the internet and tell everyone how terrible you are!

I have a sneaking suspicion that many are still here because you offered a light at the end of the tunnel that was just enough to keep them in the fight. NOW they are complaining that you did not make it happen soon enough.

I could go on forever but I will quit here. Just want to say thanks for what you have offered, it is much appreciated. I am confident that it will pay off in the end.

Don’t worry about the ones that are not happy, they will never be happy no matter what you offer them. Unfortunately we all have those customers…

likewise. At the end of the day, still a fan of the bam


Thanks @TREYTOYOTA83 and @mpbeachum for the replies. Glad to know there are other that are finding the information and journey quite rewarding.

I told a few friends really early in this AMC fight that I was expecting a major fight. Nothing that is worth having in this old world is free or easy. Anyone involved in this fight is doing it for one reason, a big payout. If you think that big of a payout is going to come easy you have been sadly mistaking.

I have been here since day one of the AMC APES page as a global pro subscriber. I have heard Jim offer numerous times to refund money if the service was not for you.

What more can you ask for, try it out, you don’t like it get your money back. Sounds more than fair to me.

So the people that are complaining had the opportunity to leave, at no cost to them, yet they are still here complaining.

Guess the service is not all that bad after all is it???

They still see that light at the end of the tunnel…that’s why they have not left!


I agree. Jim and his team put in all the work and we are able to partake in all his efforts for a small fee IMO. It’s just like you said, we live in a culture where people have a microwave mentality. I want it now type attitude. I have found personally in my own life that the greatest rewards I have received have come thru a process and it wasn’t easy. I followed BAM thru Twitter on the sidelines for two months before I decided to subscribe and I could see Jim’s sincerity. I knew he was for real.


Well written and said! I told Jim something similar to this on twitter the other day. Had to give him some words of encouragement also. I am thankful for his knowledge and services cause he doesn’t have to do any of this. I’m glad we have a tool to give us any edge we can get.

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Yes, I appreciate all of your work as well! Thank you!
It is not often that someone takes the kind of time and effort that you have to give your expert guidance about the markets

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I feel the same way. Some people out there you will never please, but just remember that a ton of us (even quieter ones like me) are absorbing and learning and are grateful for the experience.

Maybe being a military vet has given me more patience than most, but I do find it annoying when people can’t take responsibility for their own actions, their own trades, and blame others because things didn’t happen fast enough.

@jgsavoldi I appreciate the opportunity to learn and thank you and your team for everything you do.


I have sent Jim a couple DM’s thanking him for the knowledge, honesty and helping out the " Dumb Money" I love his tweets these days. Seems like the HF are not pleased and I love every second of it. He said he chose his side, and I ride with the BAM FAM, now and hopefully for a very long time. Thanks Jim and crew for all you folks do! Think those Wallstreet boys got a bit scared this morning. Well just have to turn on the boosters tomorrow? Have a good night y’all :popcorn:


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