Live with JG Savoldi @ 4pm PST - July 24th, 2021

Jim will drop in the unofficial Discord, BAM BAM FAM, at 4 pm PST to talk with subscribers, answer some questions, and just hang out with us for a little bit. There will be a recording available afterward and posted in the official BAM Forum if you aren’t able to make it. Cheers and I hope everyone has a great weekend! :beers:

Can you drop the Discord link here?


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we are not publishing the link anymore. but happy to DM you one so you can join. Let me know if interested. Thanks!


Can you DM me the discord link?

Yes please send me the Discord link.

Can please DM me the discord link too? Thanks

Hi, I would like the Discord link as well, could you please DM me the link? Thanks.

I need discord link as well thanks

Hi, I am a new subscriber, and I would like a link to the Discord. Would you please share?

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