Michael J Burry tweets

Hi everyone, I think it could be nice to talk about the Michael Burry’s tweets / messages.

He is just back on Twitter.

Here is the latest one :


Have never used a bloomberg terminal so there is probably too much to learn there. But those financial companies are easy enough to research. Might even have the same people running the same show under new names.

Burry was online throughout the spring. His last message in June reciprocated what would follow for AMC in July: “Hard work never guaranteed freedom from failure. If your not failing your not working hard enough”.
That being said its nice to see him online again after AMC stops failing.

Someone over at Superstonk drew the line between this mail of Burry’s from 2005 with the much talked about post “re-emerging” from the same period. The post is well worth the read: https://archive.is/KSS6m as it talks about all the f***ery people are still digging up now, but way back then.

(Link/credit) to the post mentioning the old post in question.

thanks for the references!


Girolamo Pandolfi da Casio ditto Carlo Dossi Erba

Boy that’s a long name.,

Twitter thread above is linked over in this forum post below and the other posts mentioned from MJB last night:

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