Evergrande, The Economy & Tension w/ China

Thought it might be worth while to bring this to the forum for discussion. Not sure if or when these might be taken down.

MJB tweeted this 4 hours ago on Chinese CP

Led me to this interesting thread:

-How fast do you think stable coin regulation will come?
-Just how bad has CP become?
-How will this effect us?

Another mention that was a good read:

All this news coming out about Evergrande has me hooked. It will be an interesting outcome to say the least.

Created this thread tonight to see what you all think about this topic and how it could have quite an effect on things.

What a financial rabbit hole…

Thanks for sharing. This is starting to get ridiculous

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The thread from the lastbearstanding in the Michael Burry retweet* is pretty incredible. Wow.


Yeah, I’m going back and screenshotting that one for records. The other one too.

Make a scrapbook:

“Market Crash of 2021”

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But consider the implications if true: The crypto universe may be riding on the back of China’s collapsing property developers


@leelindseyerin I think this is a great idea. If you are making that, would you be able to make it sharable? It would be greatly appreciated. I will continue to add here with anything else I find this weekend. Shoot, I might even start a record book like you are haha. These are only a couple sources with good info and there are a lot more out there right now.

@Josh Yeah that thread is pretty juicy. Definitely opening some eyes.

@mpbeachum Its a pretty scary thought isn’t it? :grimacing: :upside_down_face:
Definitely paying much more attention to crypto as we move forward.

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MJB tweets already deleted.

If you didn’t see this article already I’d definitely give it a read:

I’ll get to work on a sharable version. Just got back from an art fair so I need to upload all my screenshots to my computer. Got my gator kabob and local honey so I’m all set and ready to go.

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Okay, let me know if this is viewable. I figured no one uses LiveJournal anymore, so it’d be perfect for this. Entries can be made, plus scrapbook and video can be added.

Thanks for making this. Sounds like a good spot to add new info moving forward. I will check it out later after I take care of a few things.

No problem. I started throwing a lot of seemingly random things at it, including some Jim Cramer Tweets (see if we can get the next “Bear Stearns” in there :rofl:) I think it will all look interesting moving forward, but there is a lot to sift through. going to work on some classwork, but I got a bit added so far.

Yes, I can access it! Great start!

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More today from MJB on lastbearstanding:

All this happening now says a lot to me. Its almost as if there is bold writing on the wall in big black letters telling us whats to come.

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More on USDT issues:


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Looks like they are kicking the can further down the road.

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someone really needs to pick up that can.

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If we keep missing ZOS and ATH, I’m going to be collecting cans. :laughing:


haha you got that right.

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