NOK setting up

Retest @ 5.40

Model is a buyer on weakness moving forward.

thanks for that sir…

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Thanks for the heads up!

Just bought some! Thank you :smiley:

Is it still a BUY at this level?

i have the same question… the RSI is high so wait for a pull back maybe? damn it i missed this notification…

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How do I set up alerts ?

Good to know. We will see what happens

I use webull to monitor and set alerts. I’m sure there are other options.

Do you think it will keep going up?

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Is this setup implying it will hit the $5.40 retest before it goes up significantly?


My question as well Thanks!

I think that is what he means. Correct me if I am wrong Jim, but it seems that the model is looking for a retest of 5.40 before becoming a buyer in that zone of weakness.

Thank Sir, I think you should have a BAM only forum. Gives us stock stock ideas

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Is there a day that’s looking particularlly favorable with several ZOS’s? Or perhaps one strong one generated from the hourly model? Any specifics would be greatly appreciated. And I certainly understand these are your opinions only and should not be considered guarantees.

i think that’s what he’s saying

I intuitively bought (50) $10 strike options for 2022 last week. The universe works in mysterious ways.

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