Q&A Related to the BAM Model and Anemoi

This topic will be used to create a running list of Q&A. If you have a specific question(s) related to the BAM Model or Anemoi for Jim, please reply to this post. Questions with the most likes will be answered first; however, not all questions may receive an answer based on various reasons (e.g., legal, proprietary, etc.). Disclaimer: Answers are historical in nature and therefore some specifics might change over time.

This is a work in progress. Over the next few days, we will work on adding previously answered questions Jim has already responded to

You previously spoke of your BAM analysis as part of your work with professional traders. Is the current BAM/Anemoi offering the same for retail traders, or have there been adjustments based on the type of trades done by retailers (swing, day, etc.)?

It is not similar other than sharing the charts. I was able to say things to the fund clients/portfolio managers that I am not allowed to say to retail due to lawyers’ advice. The professionals are accredited investors and they are held to a higher level per using their own discretion.

Once a potential trade is identified, what criteria is used to decide to trade? (BAM/Anemoi)

If Anemoi 3TC, I use a scanner to identify setup. I then confirm a 3-6 month positive divergence of Velocity against Price. I then check BAM for future ZOS that help time lift-off. I then buy and place an OPEN limit sell order GTC on ½ position at either a double or at slightly below Monthly Trigger level.

Using a simple example of 100 shares or 10 contracts available, how do you scale into a trade, typically?

IF 3TC I buy a full 1-2% position and if it moves 50% against me I double the position.
IF scaling into a BAM trade, I buy a half position (2 units) and then try to buy the other half position on either future buy signals or if the position is against me by 20% or more.

Once a position is established, are stop-loss orders entered, or noted for reference?

I only use a stop loss if it is a trailing stop on an open profitable position. I do not use stops when entering a position.

Is a target profit margin pre-determined, or does it change based on “new data” from BAM/Anemoi?

Yes, I always take half profit on a double or if a stock moves up 100% or more in a single session (even if that 100% move does not double my open profit)

Describe how you would exit a position or scale-out?

I scale-out half on a double and half on a completed topping count or if the model has moved through all current zones of strength and IF there are downside retest levels that would give back 50% or more on a pullback/correction.

How many active trades do you foresee subscribers entering, based on the time required and typical alerts?

Anemoi can find trades all the time. Daily

How long would you expect training on BAM/Anemoi to take before subscribers are ready to go it alone?

I think ppl will understand Anemoi after 15 mins to one hour of watching videos.

Based on the most recent price action, what is your current read on the viability of a squeeze still happening?

I don’t like to talk in terms of a “squeeze” because I really don’t have a good way to differential a squeeze from FOMO etc. I focus on ZOS that are very powerful and that set up is a function of the strength of the timeframe model generating the ZOS data as well as the buy signals set up per a cascade buy as opposed to a single buy signal triggering in front of the ZOS

Will AMC need to hit higher #s before the August window in order to have 500+ be viable?

No, the new all-time high can be seen INTO the August ZOS and that could, in turn, trigger the Melt Up to the speedline.

I see there is now potential strength in September and October before there was strong weakness. In his experience, what could make the weakness change into strength for these months? Could it be hedge funds buying out time?

This is a mystery period for now, but I am seeing some things line up that could provide a lift during these periods IF we do not see any new bearish data generated that is specific to these months moving forward.

Curious about yesterday’s video because it’s the first time I heard exit strategy mentioned. What if the bot signals sell in the Fall, yet the 90+ million shorts still haven’t been covered yet? We should exit while a large % of free float is still shorted?

If I had to guess, I would say we’ll probably have a series of exit events as opposed to one HUGE exit event. I risk making enemies by selling, but if I think the stock is going to cycle through multiple spikes followed by 50% or greater declines, I think I need to prepare members in advance. It is obviously a personal decision but, realistically, some of the members might need money to provide for family emergencies or to reallocate a portion. This is a tricky balance for me and I understand that.


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