SPY max pain

I’m curious to get other thoughts on the SPY max pain for today. It says 450, but I really haven’t followed the SPY very much (options, anyway), so for all the max pain people out there…does the SPY normally follow a max pain trend like AMC? I’ve got some $449 calls I admittedly should have cut yesterday, but wanted to see if it had a shot at $450 today. Thanks for your feedback!

I haven’t followed it closely but we do have quad-witching and vixperation today.

I would guess it’s harder for the market maker to manipulate the SPY vs a single stock to force Max Pain. I’m sure they still do it just not as well as a single stock.

Yes but it might not be that nefarious. If everyone is watching the same thing, things will gravitate toward it.

Also, in general MP is not the end-all, be-all. It tells us nothing about who issues those contracts. Obviously the big dogs care about their own bottom line and not the broader market breaking even. It’s just another small piece of the big puzzle.

Thanks for the input. So far, it doesn’t seem like it matters much.

These indexes (S&P is especially the one i am watching) is currently constantly testing the floors i got a feeling it will move down very sharply very soon. Do not go long basically ( iam not a finacial advisor) but this is looking very vearish indeed. I have shorts in at 4531 and have been swing trading it.

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