Sunday Questions/Found Info

So I like to read through comments on recently posted amc/gme videos and reddit and take notes and look things up and compare online chatter. These are some questions /topics I had after today:

● Seems like the two dates thrown around for the next price hike were 9/9 and 9/23

  • what’s the general consensus here?

● GME earnings on 9/8 and renewal of futures contracts 9/9

● Talk of US defaulting on its debt this week (at earliest) and not paying treasury bonds intrest, congress on break till 9/20

  • any thoughts on put options for TLT?
  • is this just how this goes normally?

● Bullish talk for SPRT, ATR, GOTU, VIH

  • any thoughts on these?

● OATS is now expired and CATS in its place

  • 9/1 the last effective date (did this get moved to 9/3?)
  • 9/16 the last date for late filing for pre 9/1 filings
  • does CAT system eliminate FTDs? Synthetics?

● Majority of DD makers more bullish on GME over AMC but in both plays

  • what’s your thoughts on GME versus AMC in terms of squeeze heights?

Just opening up some discussions on these topics I thought would be of value for us all to know!

SPRT numbers are crazy so on paper it should squeeze but I think at this point they are deathly afraid of any movement drawing attention.

As for squeeze potential on AMC and GME, who knows. Too much has been messed with so anything can go anywhere. There is a lot of FUD about GME being the bigger one cus it was first. I think GME was where they got jammed up and they tried to spread the pain across some different shorted stocks in the basket and AMC popped and we dove in. They could have started shorting them at the same time and GME got grabbed first. But they could be generating more synthetics on AMC when it was cheaper. No body knows


  • GREE merger

Look at the Ortex data. Some crazy high numbers. It should be ripping daily right now but any squeeze makes people jump on other stocks thinking they may move too

one word for you: levy, and It’s just a matter of time before it breaks.

If i come across it, i’ll post but there is a thread with a screenshot of someone on the inside essentially bragging about how smart the hedgies are and apes have only scratched the surface of their illicit activities - at that time.

Hedgies are under increasing pressure from not only new SEC requirements but all the research by the apes, who keep uncovering all their tricks.

I digress.

I’m reading the same thing about 9.9 & 9.23 dates. Personally, i just “feel” like next week holds some big events. Astro’s cyborg keith predicts amc 68. But if history has taught us anything, it’s buy options further out.

Sept 15 seems to be the default day for the treasury.

I discovered something interesting. Personally, i just don’t, won’t and can’t believe it but some have suggested AMC was bundled with GME and its price only benefitted from GME’s rise and thus artificial and will never squeeze.

Again, i don’t buy it. In fact, i think AMC is a much larger hole due to its accessibility in price. Besides, there’s all kinds of animosity between the two stonks so take the FUD as just that. I have long positions in both (admittedly, fewer in GME) but both will squeeze. I’ve researched their prices and each side claims to have 6-figure floors.

read the comments (“popcorn” refers to AMC)

Don’t forget there’s talk of GME launching an NFT, as well. People are excited to hear any details of it on the earnings call. All kinds of speculation as to what this could do for the squeeze (on a side: keith gill aka DFV (deep fucking value) aka roaring kitty finally reappeared after a long hiatus from reddit. Everything from the timing to his clothes has everyone talking: DFV Debuts Plans for Indoor Track)

Found this: RE: OATS vs CATS

@Medic21059 and @putsimsden have posted great info.

SPRT is going to rip. Just give yourself plenty of runway. Haven’t heard anything about the other 3. Perhaps they’re good candidates for the Zombie/Sleeper Stock List thread i started.

that’s all i got :wink:

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Came across this, which might explain the significance of Sept 9:

Sep 9th: Final day for “rolling over” of Equity Index Futures contracts. The theory is that the counter parties of SHFs who have shorted AMC using Equity Total Return Swaps, would have bought Futures contracts as a hedge against the share price rapidly increasing. These Futures contracts expire every three months and must be either closed (by buying the underlying stock) or “rolled over” by partially closing out the contract. Up until this final rolling over date, the counter parties must buy the underlying stock in order to go Delta Neutral, increasing the share price.

Speculation: *During the period from when these Futures contracts settled to the final rolling over date - running from August 26th to September 9th - the counter parties have no option but to buy the underlying shares. As with the March and May-June run-ups the price inevitably spikes, this time potentially packed into an action packed three days from after the Labor Day weekend, as they seemingly did not carry out this action last week. The result could be some big run-ups in the price on Tuesday 7th, Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th…

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Thank you for the responses and links, I was up till 5am reading through everything. Lots of great information there.

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