Sympathy Squeeze Plays

I was just curious if anyone else was doing this or had any insight into other tickers that could be considered “Sympathy Squeeze” plays? When GME ran in Jan, we saw BB, NOK, AMC, BBBY and others have similar spikes at the same time. Even Tootsie Roll (TR) spiked a bit in Jan, so I started trying to scour tickers trying to find others that may also have small spikes in response to AMC’s squeeze(s) and possible plays to go along with those.

If they were already posted here, I apologize for missing them.

If you’re looking at any of those, what are your plans with them? I bought a few NOK calls for Sept. just because I could, but beyond that I’m just trying to gather data and see what else the internet Overmind has to offer.

Yes I am and I’m trying to get traction with them. Wall Street targeting a small community bank out of Harlem called Carver that services low and middle income families for mortgages and things like that. The ticker is $CARV. They also targeted a black owned media company that has radio stations and a television network called Urban One. The ticker is $UONE. I think justice investing is the new thing. Just like how you can go support a business with your patronage, you can also support a business that is being targeted for predatory shorting by investing in them and buying and holding. We saved AMC we can save others.


I like the way you’re thinking.

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BB Blackberry is my second choice! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


SPRT is one I’m following. High short interest and utilization plus a merger on the horizon.

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FUBO is another one that Rich Lightshed has been relentlessly attacking. It’s a position he will need to get out of pretty quickly when things start to move.

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Pennie Dick Greenfield is total loser.

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