Thank you JG Savoldi and the team!

Love all the information, keep it coming!

Thanks Jim. I canā€™t stand filtering through all the BS on other sites/forums. Looking forward getting some insights from the other Apes in here and learning more about this model.

Thank you for this forum!

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I am happy to be along for this ride regardless of the outcome. Feeling as if I lucked into something exclusivešŸ˜… way to go, Jim & team


I donā€™t cross the street to get a sandwich until JG tells me itā€™s clear.


Thank you everyone. such a refreshing place to be able to have normal discussions and learn.


thanks jim, just closed out oil short and vxx callsā€¦5 days hold for a $3k profitā€¦

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tremendous comment :joy:

Iā€™m learning a ton from the videos, thank you for your time and knowledge.

Absolutely, and from all Vets, to Jim and the team, thanks so much for offering your services to us. :us: Difficult to put into words how much I appreciate your work.

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Yes me too. I am a Vet and i really appreciate this offer. I would not be able to afford otherwise.

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just want to re-iterate my appreciation/gratitude towards the work Jim and his team puts in for us subscribers on all levelsā€¦and his relentless drive to help the ā€œlittle guyā€ contend against the schmedge-funds & their schillouettes out there trying to do us dirty .

@jgsavoldi the winds to our back, sir.

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As far as Iā€™m concerned, heā€™s hurt the little guy more than heā€™s helped with the janky predictions. Nice sentiment only goes so far but it doesnā€™t put money in my pocket. Incoming ban again for voicing a contrarian opinion (fact).


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