Thoughts on SNDL?

I’ve been watching SNDL and find the stock really interesting. Not only are they vertically integrating their operations, but they are acting as a bank for the emerging industry.

I’m interested in everyone’s opinion on the potential of Sundial.

Let’s make a difference,

personally, i dont see SNDL as doing anything to help them. i really dont have faith in a company that couldnt get the weed business down, let alone have the acumen to Invest and loan their cash intelligently.

Thanks for the feedback. I’m fascinated that we see the same stock so differently. I’m going to keep digging and look at it from a more objective view point.

Just so I’m sharing where my thought process is currently at, I like the fact that they have very low overhead expenses, a ton of cash, are focused on a premium produce, and just finished a merger that gives them direct access to 100+ retail locations.

I also really like the financing side because - of course - puts their money to work but should also help form strategic alliances to help distribute additional products.

I do think they have a ways to go, but…now, I’m going to look with mcuh more scrutiny.

Thanks again!

I like them. Most people don’t understand that there are limits of what they can do with cash until laws change. It looks like they are smartly and legally cleaning it so it can’t be confiscated in a “drug bust”. I think it’s a great emerging and speculative play.

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