Where's Jim?

Anyone seen Jim? He’s literally said “there is no zone weakness”…dropped the mic and walked off! :rofl: :rofl:

I have wondered the same thing…
Not one word today…??
I guess if nothing has changed there ain’t much else to say…

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He said that a few weeks ago… if there is nothing new then what is there to post… (paraphrased slightly)

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its like silence of the bam today

lol. I just said to myself…hmmmmnnn. Odd we haven’t heard from him by now.

LOL, I 'm good with his silence any day we see these kinds of gains.

Silence of the BAM…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::joy:


I just hope he didn’t get sick and is ok.

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I just wish he would say something like…“see you guys in a few days”. Now Im worried!

Was wondering the same. Hoping not another computer attack or attack on his account. He catches enough crap on the down days he should be here with us to enjoy the good ones!

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Jim’s sick of our ■■■■ :rofl::rofl:

For real, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just him “saying” there’s nothing more to report, everything is tracking.

I would guess he’s laying low to see how his model tracks with the “bad guys” now having to guess a defense against his ZOS/ZOW. Strategic move.

If there are no more major ZOW as he stated over the weekend. Jokes on them.

He could be working hard to get the anemoi running…glad he is silent on bb and amc today…but bitcoin at 50k… Is it up or crash down from here?..let’s keep running amc…bb…gl all

He did not update the BTC forecast this weekend as promised.

He “disappeared” before today, started over the weekend.

Maybe he is testing this chat for ZOW…

Let’s act tough to throw him off…:upside_down_face:

This definitely odd. He usually just provides market insights if nothing is changing. Hope he’s ok.

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he was slightly pissed of at us :rofl:. In all seriousness though, I do hope he’s doing ok. @jgsavoldi you doing ok?

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Haha bam!

I see what you did there

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He said he’d update Bitcoin over the weekend with a video. Hope nothing happened to him.

… and there’s an email update as I hit send

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