Wider Applications or BAM/Anemoi Modeling Outside of Finance?

One line of questions I’ve been mulling over is whether the same predictive modeling methods used in BAM/Anemoi market analysis have applications outside of finance.

Can the techniques have applications to fields such as sports, gaming/gambling, political polling, consumer research, disaster preparedness, etc. etc. BAM appears to have predicted a hurricane and a pandemic. Does the model have “homeland security” applications?

Or what about broader questions of history and sociology? Consider a timeline population graph of a city like Jerusalem, Nagasaki or Rome. The later had a population probably 10,000 at the time of Tarquin kings, peaked at 1.4 million during the Antonine Emperors, fell steadily until it was about 10,000 during the time of the Avignon papacy, reached new ATHs in the 1930s, hit a population peak of 4.4 million but is now leveling off. Was there a “retest level” set when the Gauls sacked Rome in the 4th Century BCE that had to be revisited by the Goths in the 400s AD? Could a chart be run on a country or civilization to determine which way it is coming or going?

Or what about personal psychology and lifestyle? E.g. If an addict is trying to get clean & sober, do long periods of sobriety create “retest” and “vibration” levels that are revisited after relapses and binges, or vice versa? Or if a person is broke, then comes into money, then is broke again, is that person’s personal worth just as capable of being modeled as AMC or Bitcoin or Crude Oil?

As far as public policy, phrases such as “Overton Window”, “Hallin’s Spheres”, “Opinion Corridor” are used to describe a “vibration” consensus of public policy that can shift (sometimes suddenly) over time. Is there some utility in a cross-disciplinary outreach between financial modeling and the social sciences?

(I suppose that the counter-argument would be that BAM/Anemoi modeling is fine-tuned for a narrow field of day-to-day human activity dealing with market trading, and that making casual metaphors to other areas of life, while imaginative, would not necessarily play out in the real world.)

Strangely, this was one of the first things I wondered as well. More from a environmental/social perspective. Global warming impacts, population decreases, availability of water etc. Part of me doesn’t want to know though… I’m not sure the predictions would be good.


Fractals and chaos theory are in more of what you think and also inline with your thoughts here. What changes are parts of the equations, basically or definitions etc. This questions leads me to think that this could be part of a PHD THESIS.

For stocks sure…go do some research into areas of interests. refine and ask more questions. I like this train of thought and action. I enjoy fractals and have been doing my own research. Here are some areas to start and they might be over the top, but a variety of sources. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science

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Yeah nice, cheers for the link.

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Ooooh would love to do some official case study research on this! I have already done a doctoral qualitative study, but this would make a better quantitative (futuristic analysis) or historical case study (analyzing the past). I would love to be a part of that if anyone forms a group!

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