Evergrande, The Economy & Tension w/ China

Evergrande trading has been halted, no reason given as of now that I can find.

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A few others too

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They got their bailout. Hopson takes 51% stake for about $51B USD.

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more details. not so much a bailout it seems. looks like evergrande is still being sold off piecemeal and no help from beijing but likely some for the individual property investors.


Yeah, likely an unofficial bailout. China can’t afford to let it go unabated but they also don’t want to appear as directly saving them. Everything in China is a puppet of the PRC.

TBH we do the same thing in the US. Makes you wonder sometimes. :thinking:

totally. it’s all an illusion, my friend.

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Nothing is real, we are in a simulation/Matrix/dream/obviously weird timeline that makes me seriously question humanity.

But I can eat pumpkin pie while watching the stock market, so there’s that.

Jim’s been updating on Crude Oil, and I was doing some digging and several people have voiced concerns about it, too, being artificially bolstered.

Eventually, all the toothpicks holding it all up are going to snap.

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they are waiting for something. I think this administration doesn’t want another failure on its hands and looking for a fall guy. Could be china, could be banking. Anything but itself.


Yeah, definitely waiting for SOMETHING. I guess the question is, do they already know what it will be, or are they just hoping something is going to pop up?

I would have though Evergrande was the catalyst, but it does not seem so.

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But there is a major energy crisis right now globally esp in China. This is maybe what is propping up oil. I follow a few different news letters and among other Fintwit posters, every single one of them over the last few months were bullish on energy. BAM was the only one that wasn’t and it cost me… Oil has hit muiti year highs so he has been wrong on this more than being right (the 1 time oil kinda hit his $62.50)

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I guess we will see what happens :woman_shrugging:

Cant forget what China is doing with their military as well. They want Taiwan and are getting more aggressive every day. IMO they are starting to get desperate. Combine housing, energy and economic instabilities mixed with territory disputes and I would be pretty stressed/worried too. Not to add in the already rampant poverty and internal issues occurring as well. Yikes… the list goes on.


looks like we’ve got another Chinese property developer missing its payments. Meet Fantasia. Chinese developer Fantasia misses repayment deadline | Reuters

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now BAM is saying Oil and nat gas can potentially go up…after months of saying oil was going to crash…wtf is going on? lol

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this is me after most of jim’s updates now

Screen Shot 2021-10-05 at 9.18.25 AM


hahaha!! unbelievable. look at all the $$ we left on the table following the “predictions”. Funny how he say’s he doesn’t look at the news or anything for the predictions, the latest comment references the Natural gas crisis in Europe . Maybe it would have been better to look at global events before making predictions.

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More on energy supply and Taiwan Tensions

I’m about to roll most of this SCO I got into something else. I was hopin’ for a catastrophic crash and a market in flames, but it’s just what we have.

I can see maybe oil start to decline near end of the year, but as of right now, it seems only a black swan event can derail the momentum. That’s where stop losses come in. BAM was calling for 77.25 test today…I just don’t get where these numbers are coming from.

Evergrande continues to unfold

unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) Tweeted:

Credit Suisse has confirmed it has dumped Evergrande exposure on risk fears.

This is the same Credit Suisse that lost billions in the Archegos scandal. https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1447899097785065475?s=20


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