Theory Into Why AMC/GME Were Targeted

This is just too mind blowing not to share. Funny, how everyone thought it was our boy Kenny G just being greedy. Turns out it could be Bezos.

Explains what happened to some of our most beloved stores and why AMC/GME were next on the chopping block. For no other reason than just greed and control.

I’ve thought this for a while. It’s no secret that Amazon has interest in the big screen and driving AMC into BK to scoop up the assets at auction, especially during a pandemic, was just too juicy. Not only does it give them an avenue to elevate their increasingly expensive original content (and regain production costs much faster, as theatrical releases are known to do), it would let them name their price for competing studios.

Same with GameStop but to a lesser degree. Amazon was playing the long game to beat them with online sales but it was taking too long and giving GME too long to pivot and explore reinventing themselves.

and don’t forget a bunch of stubborn apes hodling :wink:

Once Bain had control of the business, often they would install their own board members and executives, they would then distribute massive bonuses to executives that the failing business could not afford. Sometimes, Bain would use the business’ credit to purchase competitors, as they did with Toys R Us and FAO Schwarz, but we will get to that in a bit.

Businesses can do this to themselves and that’s why I get irked every time Adam Aaron talks about adding more shares. or the great time to buy other businesses. The smarter APES are about this the less damage the execs can do.

yes! it was interesting to read that AA might have been installed and when he realized he’d be outed, he switched sides.

Just a reminder, the May run up was directly after a holiday 3 day weekend.
Just saying.
The charts look similar.
Look at beginning of May vs beginning of August

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It’s either do your job right or do it wrong. I think APES are just are a more powerful force than those who would have convinced him to do it wrong. If AA doesn’t want AMC to become a crocodile of failure, that’s ok by me.

i believe he’s chosen his side - the winning side.

This was the pinning on Friday $AMC.

If you look there is always a pattern.

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