Zombie/Sleeper Stock List

Given all the new DD coming out about hedgies bundling shorted stocks within swaps, and these zombie stocks suddenly springing to life (likely due to margin calls), i thought a working list of these stocks (and those companies that were headed to the bezos chopping block) was in order.

I’m including a couple of links for some background and another streamer, Houston Wade, who seems to be well respected in the forum.

Hedgies Bundling Shorted Stocks In Swaps

Houston Wade’s Latest Stream
Wade is predicting a huge week coming up, given it’s a 4-day week, predicting “1000 plus stocks will squeeze at varying degrees.” (@apotts627 comment about BB going to 62 in the next 7 trading days fits well in this theory). Wade is also saying MMAT is about to go lunar.

Zombie Stocks Coming To Life (credit to @Medic21059)

How Zombie Stocks Are Used for Both Collateral and Tax Avoidance

Bezos, Not Kenny G, is El Diablo

Zombie/Heavily Shorted Stock List
(note: some are OTC and as of Sept 1, SEC/brokerages have made it more difficult to trade. I think just a few more hoops are required, like calling your broker directly).

Add to the list in the comments

BBLIQ (blockbuster)
SHLDQ (sears)
BABL (buildablock corp; OTC)
MMAT (meta materials)
MTRT (metal arts; OTC)
BBIG (vinco ventures)
SPRT (support.com; crazy speculation going on with this one being shorted to hell and back)
MNVN (mondial ventures; OTC)
SRSR (sarissa resources; OTC)
PRKV (parkvida group; OTC)
RGBPP (regin biopharma; OTC)
HCMC (hennepin healthcare; OTC)

Thanks for all this amazing info!
Really appreciate it! :blush:

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you’re welcome! Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, IMO.

If nothing else, it’s info that’s compiled in a central location.

Who is @apotts627?
Where can I read his comments?

embedded the comment link in the post

Good call Bro, guess it’s time to get to work in finding the PMLs

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I’m mostly in the AMC Elliot wave room, developing a trend line analysis method to help coincide with BAM

Wow! Can’t wait for next week! Thanks again! :grin:

There’s also some that aren’t OTC but that are moving like the others are. We already know many of them, I think they might be worth including though for those that may not research like some of us.


I think we caught most of the above ones before they fell to OTC. They were the lucky ones. At this rate a huge swath of the market may rip if AMC and GME do.

you know, i debated whether to include my list of shorted stocks since i’m not sure they are zombies, but they certainly could be subject to forced ruin. In my list are NAKD & SENS but here are the others I have.


I think no matter if they are zombie or still running on the standard market they are all in the basket/baskets. Thus they will behave the same. The OTC are obviously cheaper but hard for retail to buy. The others are just the opposite.

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Not sure I seen these listed yet

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nice. now we’re getting somewhere. Got us a nice little list going.

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oh, the irony…

HMNY (helios and matheson - moviepass)

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