Evergrande, The Economy & Tension w/ China

Add one more to the list. Dominoes are beginning to fall… The official default deadline for evergrande is Saturday, 23.

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things are looking saucy. so ready for it to pop.

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Anyone else keeping up with Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba?

Dude spoke out against China’s financial regulators and suddenly disappeared for over a year. Now hes back and has a source claiming he was just “laying low.” Just going about it all like nothing ever happened.

News reads:
“On Sept. 1, photographs of Ma visiting several agricultural greenhouses in the eastern Zhejiang province, home to both Alibaba and its fintech affiliate Ant, went viral on Chinese social media.”

Only to then pledge $15.5 billion USD to support “common prosperity” the very next day. This will go to the “wealth sharing initiative” DRIVEN by Pres. Xi Jinping. (Ak

“The next day, Alibaba said it would invest 100 billion yuan ($15.5 billion) by 2025 in [support of “common prosperity”, becoming the latest corporate giant to pledge support for the wealth sharing initiative driven by President Xi Jinping.”

Sourced from: Billionaire Alibaba founder Jack Ma reappears in Hong Kong - sources | Reuters

Just something that I thought was interesting that had to do with China. It screams “nothing to see here” imo. Its too convenient.


Reprogramming complete?


I saw this posted on Superstonk, it talks about Evergrande resuming trading tonight. Ive not found any other articles or news that back it up though.

thanks for sharing… He almost learnt the hard way but now he’s playing the game. No difference than big corporations and the politics within. Ya we see whistleblowers but still a lot of companies have that toxic culture. Play the game or you are out. in the case of China, you might just disappear forever. Life isn’t bad for him though, still has his billions to enjoy.

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underrated comment

bot thinks so too


@apex188 No problem man! I 100% agree it’s all a part of the CCP controlling the narrative. I bet they only allowed him to come back if he agreed to certain conditions. I think that massive 15billion “support” donation was part of it. Cmon now… do you really think they are going to use that money for “common prosperity?”


@Josh “Reprogramming complete, release prototype Ma 2.0 to the public.” :rofl:

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gotta take the good with the bad, i suppose

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I’ve seen the 29th floating around as a date for Evergrande. I think it was mentioned that day was the end of another grace period.

Glad to see Blackrock is getting called out for supporting China


CCP: "We need more coal you have it right? You can supply that 100 million tons by this winter right?

Coal miners: even if they don’t have the time/supply for the demand
“Yeah yeah we got you guys don’t worry”

What a dumpster fire.

Meanwhile in ths US:

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